Final Project Development


A map (whether displayed on paper or an electronic interface) is a desiged object. It is a model of a world that influences our field of visibility.  It allows us to see certain features of that world precisely because it suppresses others.  This inherent amplification and suppression of information also makes the consideration of political implications unavoidable. 

Consequently, to develop control, it is crucial that you engage in fulsome attempts to prototype techniques of cartographic display.  To engage in the way maps support inquiry or shape a narrative this investigation asks you to address three relationships in similar proportion:

  1. How does the raw data you’ve collected relate to the subjects/objects of inquiry or narrative intent?
  2. How is inquiry or narrative intent supported by and translated into techniques of graphical display?
  3. How do techniques of graphic display relate to the ergonomics of human interaction  (e.g. techniques of folding and unfolding paper,  or how a map is viewed through an electronic or other “user interface.”)

To help you generate something satisfying, studio time will be dedicated to evaluating permutations (exploring possible relationships and techniques) and later, iterations (the refinement of those relationship and techniques) before production for the Final Review begins.


Map Prototypes to pin-up — every week — starting Week 6.

  1. Data should already be abundant / established, however additional sites may continue to be added.

    a.  Spreadsheet(s) printed so we can evaluate classes of information.
    b.  Display via Google Maps, ArcGIS or QGIS, for visual reference

  2. Scope of and scale of the map aligned with size and shape of paper or other interface.
  3. Map Legends defined and tested via well-crafted graphical attempts.

    a.   Least challenging sample area — min 3 tests (permutations/iterations)
    b.   Mots challenging sample area — min 3 tests (permutations/iterations)

Identify folding and display strategies to support (a) portability and/or (b) content.  Does the inquiry of narrative require that you zoom in/out, move from exteriors to interiors, communicate change over time, or address/communicate another crucial phenomenon?

Final Map

After 2 weeks of in-studio discussion around your experiments, permutations, and iterations you should have good idea of the narrative, the data, and the techniques you’ll pursue to produce the Final Map.  

Note Bene:
Although you are expected to present a well constructed single map at the Final Review, a map tends to synthesize constituent bits of information, and often in specific layers. Identifying your map’s constituent parts and breaking them down into managable pieces will help you divide your group’s labor and schedule weekly effort.  This will require some advance planning .

In support of that, in Week 8, you should be able to present your group’s Work Plan for discussion and advice.  This would indicate how you plan to organize your group’s division of labor, your process deadlines, and how things need to coalesce for synthesizing.

At the Final Review you should present the final map in relation to all supporting process work.

© Andrew SchachmanThe University of Chicago ARCH 24206 ENST 24206 AMER 24206 CHST 24206 CEGU 24206